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21 Must Have COVID Rules For Your Roommate Agreement

COVID lockdown means new social rules. Our Director of Operations, Priya Dufton, is heading back to school. Check out her roommates' version of Sheldon Cooper's Roommate Agreement...COVID style.

I’m a Canadian international student. Next week I’ll be headed back to university in a COVID19 hotspot: Los Angeles. I’m living in a house with 5 of my best friends. After 6 months of self-isolation, I am REALLY looking forward to reuniting with my American social bubble. Although this year, back-to-school comes with its own layer of stress, thanks to the pandemic.

COVID Lockdown = New Social Rules

Myself, my roommates, and our families are (thankfully) all taking our COVID house preparations very seriously.

My roommates are returning to LA from a different states — Tennessee, Washington, California — all states with varying & changing COVID case numbers. I'm the only Canadian, coming from Stage 3 Toronto.

Up to this point, our Zoom prep for move in day have revolved around keeping our house COVID safe. Everything else seems almost trivial during COVID lockdown.

For my American friends and their parents, they're in that fearful headspace we Canadians experienced back in March. They haven’t yet reached their “new normal” like we (sort of) have here in Canada (i.e.THEY’RE STRESSED).

Creating the COVID Roommate Agreement

If you recall the Big Bang Theory, we’ve taken a page out of Sheldon Cooper’s book and created our own Roommate Agreement, COVID style.

Scroll through our guidelines on HopePodz housecleaning, Pre-Move-In, Guest Policy, and other COVID-related social rules...

1. Pre Move-In

  • Everyone must be tested for COVID before moving into the house.
  • Additionally, the person assisting with move-in should also be tested.
  • Everyone should isolate themselves at least 10 days before move-in.

2. Move-in

  • Move-ins should be staggered; two groups should not be moving in at the same time/day to minimize contact.
  • Each person can only have one person assisting move-in.
  • When a new person is moving in, everyone else should try and stay in their rooms until their helper is gone.
  • New move-ins must announce their arrival in advance.
  • Masks should be worn inside by the helper to contain outside exposure.

3. Guest Policy

  • Guests will be strictly limited.
  • All roommates should isolate in the house.
  • Any guests must socially distance in the backyard (i.e. 6ft away) and wear a mask if inside (i.e. for bathroom use).
  • Situation with partners will be updated in the future.

4. COVID-Related

  • Outside ventures will be limited to necessary tasks (groceries, etc) or masked outdoor activities (hiking, walking, etc.)
  • If someone begins showing/feeling symptoms of COVID, they will isolate in their rooms.
    • Food/water will be brought to them.
    • Must wear a mask to go outside of their room (bathroom).
    • Should get tested if symptoms don’t go away
    • If one of these people is in a shared room, the person showing symptoms will stay in the shared bedroom. Other person will move to the couch/someone else’s room and sleep there.

5. HopePodz Housekeeping

Comments? Questions?

Young people are taking some heat for the spread of the virus. I believe the majority of us, however, are being extremely careful and safe. We’ve got parents, grandparents, and everyone else to look out for!

While our Sheldon Cooper “roommate agreement” may seem extreme at first glance, having it makes us all feel much safer. I am grateful for my roommates, their support, and our judgement-free way of talking the tricky things out.

What extra precautions are you taking this September? Let me know in the Comments below :)

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